This APP is the second version that the Colombian Navy has; It is innovative, transformative and thus becomes a tool that has the service of marine S.O.S, which generates an alert sent to the naval institution of Colombia to deploy a procedure that will allow you to attend your message of help at sea. It also has a message delivery service for members of the institution, naval and marines who are protecting the blue of the flag from anywhere in the Colombian geography. Similarly, find the contact information to enter the National Navy as an Officer, NCO or Marine and if the user is in the process of incorporation, you can check the status and phase in which you are. Additionally you will find the updated news of the institution, a module of unpublished photographs, videos and audios, as well as everything related to Colombian naval culture such as degrees, medals, decorations, naval dictionary, among others. It also allows the ease of sending direct requests to the Navy, depending on the type of request such as inquiries, complaints, congratulations, complaints, claims, anonymous request, request for documents, request for information and suggestions. In the same way, it has the location of the monuments and important sites related to the Navy.